Wednesday, October 5, 2011

STS Recipe Challenge

It never fails. Just as soon as I think I'm so tired I will finally be able to get some sleep -no, it doesn't work out that way. First my stomach started growling really bad and there was no way to ignore it. So after eating a snack then I was wide awake and my pain medication was failing. So here I am 4 1/2 hours later writing on my blog waiting for the new batch of medication to kick in.

During this awake time I spent visiting with my house guest who should have been asleep but she had other ideas too. In fact we thought she was down for the night but she woke up screaming about a half hour ago. Since she is only 14 months and can't tell time we don't mind to much as long as Monkey doesn't get woken up. After all he has a hard full day of kindergarten ahead of him.

I also decided I would work on the Recipe challenge at STS. I had written down all my steps a couple of days ago so all I had to do was locate my items. I would be happier if the challenge had only called for three photos but I'm happy with how it turned out in the end.

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